Ninth Water Information Summit (WIS-9)
5th - 7th of June 2007 at West Palm Beach, FloridaPurpose
The Water Information Summits have been an annual event since 1998. They are a component of the Inter-American Water Resources Network and feed into the hemisphere Dialogues. The meetings bring together a diverse group of people concerned with making water information an effective tool for society, particularly to help promote access to and use of safe water for all people.
WIS 9 follows a successful WIS-8 in Brasilia in June 2006.
The main themes of WIS-9 put in a question format are:
- What technical measures can improve information about water?
- How can the IWRN regional nodes set up under DeltAmerica project be utilized?
- Given climate change how do we use adaptive management in water information?
- Is water information used for mitigation, adaptation, or to address climate change on water resources.
- What educational communication, marketing, press, public relations and outreach activities can bring the message of safe water as a scarce resource to all stakeholders?
- Where do we invest our time and efforts in gathering, processing, and distributingwater information and for what purpose.
- What networks, partnerships, and connections can link water information at the individual, basin, country, and internationally?
The outcome of the meeting is planned to be twofold:
- A report to the Dialogue VI in Guatemala on the findings of the last 3 WIS meetings.
- A publication of the findings in a professional journal.
Water Information Summit Documents
The following documents pertain to WIS-9: