List of All Websites (A - Z)

Accepta Water Treatment

Accepta offers water and wastewater treatment chemicals, water analysis equipment, laboratory testing, test kits, pumps, dosing, control and plant equipment plus custom manufacturing and own label services. The site also offers a considerable amount of high quality information including best practice guides, water conservation guides, pollution control, legionella and environmental hygiene advice and much more. We also offer a free e-newsletter and make available extensive product data, specifications and safety data sheets.

Acid Rain Lesson Plan

The National Park Service Air Resources Division has developed a series of activities for grades 6-8 to help teach students about acid rain. The site consists of links to the background of the lesson plan and the five activities designed for the students. Time required for each activity is shown. Lessons cover the pH scale, the difference between an acid and a base, gases that contribute to acid rain, how acid rain is measured and monitored in the U.S.A., and understanding weather maps and the importance of storm tracking. Each of the pages can be printed individually or the entire lesson plan can be downloaded as a PDF.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is charged under the Superfund Act to assess the presence and nature of health hazards at specific Superfund sites and to help prevent or reduce further exposure and the illnesses that result from such exposures. Site includes general information and technical reports on common toxic substances, exposure risks, and other public health concerns. There is also a glossary of toxicological terminology.

Agriculture Network Information Center

The AgNIC (Agriculture Network Information Center) is a distributed network portal to agriculture-related information, subject area experts, and other resources. The site is a guide to quality agricultural information on the Internet as selected by the National Agricultural Library, Land-Grant Universities, and other institutions. The site contains various databases, dates for conferences, and references to other agriculture based sites.

Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences

The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences and The Bermuda Biological Station for Research (BBSR) describes research initiatives in marine and water resources and coral reefs. The Risk Prediction Initiative (RPI), which discusses climate science and insurance risk. Atlantic weather information, includes satellite imagery, current conditions, tropical activity, links to other tropical-weather resources, and excellent information on current hurricane activity. The linked Coral Cam site contains over 80 pages of information (including live camera pictures) on Bermuda coral reefs and related environmental issues. Photos of corals, plants, and fishes can be downloaded by clicking on the image. Dr. Debbie's Creature Feature discusses an unusual project on migrating deep-sea animals. BBSR also provides a variety of educational programs and teaching aids for graduate, undergraduate, and K-12 students as well as continuing education. A message board allows users to ask questions of scientists and graduate students.

Big Cypress National Preserve

The 729,000 acre Big Cypress National Preserve was set aside in 1974 to ensure the preservation, conservation, and protection of the natural scenic, floral and faunal, and recreational values of the Big Cypress Watershed. The importance of this watershed to the Everglades National Park was a major consideration for its establishment. The name Big Cypress refers to the large size of this area. Vast expanses of cypress strands span this unique landscape.

Bullfrog Films

Bullfrog sells and rents films (videotapes) on environmental topics. The online catalog has a detailed description on what each videotape represents, if it has any educational purposes, and purchase/rental information. Many films deal with water resources or water-related topics (e.g. wetlands).

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

The CCRS mission is to develop world-class remote sensing methods as a means for increased routine use of Earth observation data in operational applications, research, and sustainable development of Canada's natural resources.

Canadian Water Resources Association

The Canadian Water Resources Association (CRWA) is comprised of individuals and organizations interested in the management of Canada's water resources.

Earth Kind Publications

Publications explaining the principles and practices for the urban landscape. Topics include Water Conservation, Low Volume Irrigation, Irrigation System Auditing, Mulch, Rainwater Harvesting, Raised Beds, Landscaping for Energy Conservation, Landscape Design, Plant Selection, Soil Improvement, Fertilization, Integrated Pest Management, Pesticides, Native Habitat, Natural Nutrients and Composting.


Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund was created 25 years ago to protect the nation's waters. They have been involved with lawsuits to cleanup sewage treatment plants in Hawaii, oil refineries in California, pulp mills in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, the Washington Navy Yard in our nation's capital, and surface water runoff in dozens of states. Topics include water, forest, public lands,communities, wildlife, air, health and international. Site includes a video channel on environmental law topics.

Earthworks Jobs

Environmental job vacancies in energy, oceanography, marine science, hydrology, earth science, environmental science, environmental engineering, contaminated land, agriculture, forestry, ecology, plant science, remote sensing, renewable energy, carbon management, waste management and sustainable development.

Florida Center for Environmental Studies

Facilitates and coordinates environmental research and training, and communicates environmental knowledge. CES addresses the issues, problems and management of water dominated freshwater and estuarine ecosystems in Florida's environment and global, tropical and subtropical ecosystems.

Global Water Partnership

The Global Water Partnership's vision is for a water secure world. Its mission is to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels. GWP was founded in 1996 by the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to foster integrated water resource management (IWRM).

GreenFields Sports Turf

Sports field construction with artificial turf. Many sports such as golf and soccer require daily watering of the grass. This can be avoided with artificial turf and thus help to conserve water without sacrificing the playing surface quality.

Institute of Water Research at Michigan State University

The Institute of Water Research at Michigan State University (MSU) is responsible for coordinating research and educational programs on surface water and groundwater quality and quantity. The Institute addresses land and water issues and strengthens MSU's efforts in nontraditional education, outreach, and interdisciplinary studies.


The Institute of Groundsmanship (IOG). Provides a public information service for cultivating grass both in sports and landscaping. Using the specialised turf care techniques can result in a higher quality grass and less need for watering.


A global network dedicated to the conservation and sustainable development of lakes worldwide. Includes a photograph gallery, maps of lakes and access to a global lake database.

Malcolm Pirnie

Malcolm Pirnie is the Water Division of ARCADIS. This company provides consultancy services in all water management, coastal engineering, environmental restoration, water quality, process, planning and delivery.

NASA Science

Access to Scientific Data, including Links to: NASA's Earth Observing System Earth Images and Data,The Earth Science Data and Information System Project,EOS Data Information System Pathfinder Datasets,The Global Change Data Center,The Global Change Master Directory, SeaWiFS Project - Ocean Color Data, The Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Project and Data,Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC). Projects involving practical applications of data for resource management, community growth and disaster management are detailed. Site has a guide to NASA Online Resources, a children's section, and resources for teachers. Research opportunities are also described.

National Geospatial Program

Query geospatial metadata files from sources including the US Fish and Wildlife Service's National Wetlands Inventory, US Army Corps of Engineers, and US Environmental Protection Agency.

Ocean Disposal Database

The Ocean Disposal Database provides the amount of material ocean disposed in cubic yards by district since 1976. This database is maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers.

Rain Havesting Systems

Producers of rainwater collections systems since

UK Environment Agency

Responsible for environmental protection, food, rural affairs and sustainable development.

US Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency provides information on Coral Reefs, Drinking Water, Ground Water, Lakes, Oceans, Coasts, Estuaries, Beaches, Rivers, Streams, Stormwater, Wastewater, Watersheds and Wetlands.

Water and Sanitation Program

Administered by the World Bank to support poor people in obtaining affordable, safe and sustainable access to water and sanitation services. The Water and Sanitation Program covers 25 countries through regional offices in Africa, East and South Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and in, Washington D.C.

Water Research Foundation

Established in 1966, the Water Research Foundation has sponsored over $460 million in research to understand, manage and solve the pressing issues of water utilities. With more than 900 completed research projects, the Water Research Foundation is the largest and most well-established organisation in the world dedicated to drinking water research.

Water Resources of the United States

View streamflow, groundwater level, and water-quality data for the United States. Sections also available on publications, maps, photos, software and education in water.


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